Friday, 29 April 2016

ANZAC Incursion

Mr and Mrs Bird visit us every year and present an exciting and most informative collection of memorabilia from Australian Troops.

Well done to this week's award recipients. Keep thinking, persevering and excelling in your work.


Tinkertime was an excellent opportunity for asking questions and thinking hard to find solutions. The most frequently question was,
"How do I make this part of my house?"
The response was, "Have a little think about it."
"But I have."
"Have you asked any of your friends?"
"No. I will."

And so it went, all day. The adults in the room did not give direction. They supported, cutting, gluing, asking questions. Enjoy the process and results below.





Thursday, 7 April 2016


We spent some time this term learning about diffferent landscapes, the plants and animals found there and the human activities that can be carried out there. At its conclusion, we made two dioramas representing two different landscapes and used them as a basis for our writing. Below is the result of our work.








2S, please tell your family about your dioramas - the type of landscapes, the plants, the animals and how you made the shape to hold it all in.

Congratulations to our students who have put in much effort in doing their best work while encouraging others in their learning.
These students received awards for a huge effort in HSIE - Geography. Keep up the good work.