Thursday 10 November 2016


We started off with a short assembly at 12noon.

 Then we moved to our classrooms after lunch to share in some fun activities.

It seems like it was a great time for all involved.

Thursday 13 October 2016


Term 4 is here, sooner than I anticipated. The first week is already gone. The students are refreshed by their break and have been enthusiastic about giving their best during their last term in Year 2. I look forward to lots of hard work and lots of fun and play now that the weather is much more inviting than it was last term.

Apart from the Maths and English and all the subject areas that we do, this term we are also trying our hands in gardening. We are growing some veggies. Just in case you are wondering how that ties in with learning, here are a few things the students have already picked up:

  • Planning and working together in effective teams
  • What carrot, tomato and spinach plants look like
  • The different seeds
  • Why worms are good for the soil

Here is a good site that lists more benefits. Benefits of gardening with kids

Over the next couple of weeks, we will tie our learning of the measurement of perimeter and area to our patches. We will also refer to our growth timelines as our plants begin to grow, change and produce fruit.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Who Are These Characters?

Our female winner

Our male winner


Mr Strong showed off his muscles but also has a
huge house to carry. It was waiting at the parade.

Our Visit to The Olden Days

Ready to start our time travel adventure.

Listening to instructions for the day at the Centre

Morning Tea ahead of a packed two-hour seesion

 Jobs and equipment around the home
Who'll take a bath first?

A variety of cooling and refrigerating equipment

Churning the butter

Getting ready to slice the beans.

Working the mincer.

Hard at work fetching water for the home.

Ready for some group games while waitng for the bus back to school.

Monday 5 September 2016


Thank you for all your donations of lollies for Missions Day guessing competition. Our winner was Lachie, pictured here with his prize. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn about chance. Lachie had purchased 33 out of the possible 57 chances and was most determined to win. He was however often reminded that many tickets gave him a better chance to win but it was not certain that he would win. There was a collective sigh of relief though when he won the prize. He really deserved it.
Congratulations Lachie!

The Lessons in Making

Making is Messy! 
There was stuff everywhere. That includes glue, pieces of styrofoam and streamers. Not a good sight.

Making can take a while.
250 minutes later and we could have kept going but home was beckoning so we had to pack up.

Making is engaging and FUN!
We were so engrossed in what we were making that we forgot all about morning tea until nearly ten minutes later. And there were no complaints either. There were even requests to work through lunch. 

Making is collaborative!
Lots of students walked around, sharing ideas with one another of how to make models of various pieces of play equipment.

Making helps us get better!
Students presented their models and answered questions from their classmates. Classmates provided feedback by giving two compliments and one wish - e.g. "I liked that you put a fence around the water area. 
I liked the variety of equipment.
I wish you could have made your playground more colourful." 
The models were also judged on the criteria discussed earlier:

  • safety
  • fun
  • aesthetically pleasing

Afterwards, each student completed their own reflection on what they did really well and what they could improve on next time. 


Voted among the top three models.

Voted among the top three models.

Voted among the top three models