Making is Messy!
There was stuff everywhere. That includes glue, pieces of styrofoam and streamers. Not a good sight.
Making can take a while.
250 minutes later and we could have kept going but home was beckoning so we had to pack up.
We were so engrossed in what we were making that we forgot all about morning tea until nearly ten minutes later. And there were no complaints either. There were even requests to work through lunch.
Making is collaborative!
Lots of students walked around, sharing ideas with one another of how to make models of various pieces of play equipment.
Making helps us get better!
Students presented their models and answered questions from their classmates. Classmates provided feedback by giving two compliments and one wish - e.g. "I liked that you put a fence around the water area.
I liked the variety of equipment.
I wish you could have made your playground more colourful."
The models were also judged on the criteria discussed earlier:
- safety
- fun
- aesthetically pleasing
Voted among the top three models. |
Voted among the top three models. |
Voted among the top three models |
Great job 2S, looks like alot of fun!