Sunday, 20 March 2016

A fraction is ........

part of a whole. This was our learning this week which included practical ways in which we split things into fractions and why we do so.

Investigating colour - Painting our choice of pictures given the primary colours only.

What 3D shapes can I make using 2D shapes?

Reviewing my Friends of Ten.

Practising drawing a 3D shape.

Achieving and receiving the Bronze Award is something worthy of a celebration.

We all enjoyed listening to Tristan share his book about green lions and yellow elephants at the zoo.

These students not only worked hard on their own goals, but enocuraged others to persist when faced with challenging tasks.

Some yummy treats from Lyric for his birthday. Thanks Lyric!


  1. Congratulations to all the Bronze award winners. Great work 2S. You must all be working very hard.

    Lachlan's mum
